The Crow : Quoth the Crow by David Bischoff

Published : 1998 Genre : Thriller Format : Paperback Pages : 277

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Summary : William Blesiing is living a great life . He has a beautiful wife named Amy , he has a stable job as a professor , he has managed to be a successful author , and he has a valuable Edgar Allen Poe collection . Things are going well until he lets a young man into his home as an apprentice . One thing leads to another and Willim gets murdered by a goth gang and his wife is raped . Several months pass then William is brought back to the world of the living by a talking crow and proceeds to kill the crew in various Edgar Allen Poe themed ways .

Photo by Tim Mossholder on

Review : This book touches pretty everything I like . Its a ghost story with Edgar Allen Poe references throughout mixed with a strong vigilante storyline . I feel like this story does justice to the legendary “The Crow” graphic novel and to the works of Edgar Allen Poe . What I’m saying is get it if you can .

Photo by Roman Biernacki on

Recommendations : Books

  1. The Crow : Special Edition by James O’Barr
  2. Vampire Hunter D Volume 1 by Hideyuki Kikuchi
  3. The Punisher by D.A. Stern
  4. The Only Good Indians by Stephen Grahem Jones
  5. The Dark Half by Stephen King


  1. Bela Lugosi’s Dead – Bauhaus
  2. Vengeance Is Mine – Alice Cooper
  3. Written In My Face – Sean Jenness
  4. Come As You Are – Nirvana
  5. The Crypt Jam – The Crypt Keeper


1.The Crow (1994)

2. Pale Rider (1985)

3. The Raven (2012)

4. Twixt (2011)

5. The Pit And The Pendulum (1991)

Lesson : Shoot the bird immediately .

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